Big Pipes
Then, on the other hand, your teenager may represent some of the teenagers outlined in this NY Times article in this Sunday's lead article in the Magazine section. If so, my sympathies are with you!
Watched Runaway Jury yesterday with Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, John Cusak. Rachel Weisz - good flick of a John Grisham novel. Lots of interesting twists. Interesting that these two consumate actors had never acted together before, despite knowing each other since 1956 and having roomed together in a tiny NYC apt in their early days. The "extras" on the DVD are worth watching to learn more about the two of them and to watch them rehearsing and shooting some of their key scenes. Rent it.
Cheese rolling,anyone?
Bored - looking for something a bit more exciting? What? Did someone say "Cheese Rolling" ? Yep, those merry ol' Brits are up to it again. Now this little activity is sheer lunacy - watched it on CNN today - if you happen to get CNN, you might catch it on a rerun of the News, but if not, head to the Coopers Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake site . This little bit of inspiration takes place yearly in Gloucestershire. Have a look at some of the pics!
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