Photo of the Day
Foxglove - Currently blooming at Fox Hill Inn and Cabins. A tall plant (native to Great Britain) that has numerous thimble-shaped purple or white flowers and is the source of the drug digitalis (A pharmaceutical prepared from the seeds and dried leaves of the purple foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, and prescribed as a cardiac stimulant in the treatment of congestive heart failure and other disorders of the heart.) The throats of foxglove blossoms feature exotic blotches and a runway that guides bees to nectar and pollen. Carl Linneaus, a Swedish physician and botanist, named foxglove Digitalis because folklore said the tubular flowers were worn on the digits, or fingers, of fairies. Foxglove would not become widely used by physicians until 1870, when a French chemist isolated the active constituent and named it digitalin. This became the standard pharmacy drug until 1970, when a synthetic form, digitoxin, was produced.
(Casio 3000EX - Macro Mode - 1/155th @ f4.0 40mm ISO 100) Quote of the Day"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."John Benfield
And from the Odd WorldThe fashion police won't be coming to Louisiana. State lawmakers refused to make it a crime to wear low-slung pants in public that expose "undergarments or ... any portion of the pubic hair, cleft of the buttocks or genitals." and....
Want to be hip at the beach while being cool and healthy too? Try Hippopotamus sweat. Not only is the sweat of the hippo a fetching shade of red that gradually turns to brown, it also acts as a sunscreen and has antibiotic properties, according to Japanese scientists writing in Nature science journal.
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