What's your bet on Iraq having elections? Bet it's going to turn serious nasty, as if it weren't already. Saw Joe Biden on George Stephanolopus's show today - he said he had just returned from a 4th visit to Iraq - said it was basically a mess. Said we needed more troops in there and that they will have to stay past the elections - that we continously make the mistake of winning a few battles then back off when in reality that is the time to push forward. I agree, but then I like Biden. He isn't worried about getting elected - he shoots straight just like Chuck Hagel. He's one person who I know is not going to be afraid to say what he thinks.
I can see the next Olympics - "and in lane #1 is Joe Mighty Man. Joe has a good chance today cause he is using Creme#4356 and is taking Steroid#2356, whereas in Lane #2 is Big Bubba Smith, who will probably be at a disadvantage today, seeing that he is using an outdated Creme #4535. These runners are going to have to keep more up to date, if they're going to have a chance to compete." Actually, I think the situation today is probably pretty close to that. We'll see if anybody has the guts to really change the system. I see John McCain is threatening federal intervention if Baseball doesn't do something.
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