Free iPod !! 
Would you like a
free iPod ? I know this sounds crazy, but you really can get one of these if you don't mind jumping through a couple of hoops. What do you do? Click on the free iPod link or on the picture at the left and sign up at FreePay - you have to wade through a bunch of stupid questions and then finally you come to this page where you have to select an offer out of maybe 15 various offerings (Blockbuster movies, Music clubs,etc). Once you sign up for one of these (and yes, you can cancel before your 30 day trial period has elapsed), then you can start referring your own friends. Get 5 friends to sign up and complete an offer and kazaam! - A new Ipod! I'm shooting for the 30GB iPod - so far 3 folks have signed up, so I'm almost there. I signed up for a month's worth of Blockbuster movies delivered to the house - figured for $10, I could probably manage to get and return at least 10 movies within that first month and then I can cancel, should I so choose.
Wondering if there is a catch? Well, really there isn't - you just have to suffer through the various screens and complete the offer. Still dubious? Check out
this Wired News Article .
This stuff is legit ppl! I just got my video ipod from freepay a couple of days back and I'm now working on the ps3 or the xbox 360 on another freebie site.
Good luck with your freebie biz! :)
You have to consider the low signup rate for Freepay. Only every 20th person who signs up using your referral link accepts one of Freepay's offers and becomes green in your account. I have for instance for the laptop a signup rate of 6,01 per cent. 472 people signed up and 29 accepted an offer for the laptop until now. You can see it at:
For the iPod I have a signup rate of 4,82 per cent. 145 people signed up and 7 accepted an offer. At least I could order my laptop and the iPod already. But now I am afraid they take away referrals claiming their offers were completed incorrectly.
It's a hard job. But it is possible to make it.
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