Thursday, October 09, 2003

A Handy Email Tip

A Handy Email Tip

I picked up this tip from PCWorld (although I had seen it elsewhere before) .

If you email someone frequently, it would be nice to have a shortcut to click on, which would pop up a new mail message with their name in the To: field. So here's how to do it.

Right-Click your desktop (hopefully you know what the desktop is - that's that screen you normally see when first starting up your computer - the one with all the icons on it for different programs). After you right-click, select New-Shortcut. Then type mailto:your-buddy@his in the Command line (Win98 and ME) or location field in XP. Enter your pal's email address after "mailto:". Click Next,give the Shortcut a name (like Billy Bob's email), and click on Finish. This will put a shortcut icon on your desktop. But we want to put it into the Quick Launch bar which is right next to your Start button on the bottom left of your desktop, cause that way you don't have be hunting around on your desktop for it. To do that, just click on the Shortcut on the desktop and while holding the left button of your mouse down, drag it into the Quick Launch bar. That's all there is to it.

Now the next time you want to send an email to that person, just click on the icon in the Quick Launch bar and up will pop your email form with their name already in it.

This is a handy tip if you frequently email someone.

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